Dear hustlegrinder

2 min readMay 6, 2021

Have you noticed that everyone around you is living a life of overwhelming mediocrity where they are engaged any number of endeavors, usually to make money as the core motivator and at the same time they view themselves as unique supermen and superwomen? Everyone is constantly being pushed by the external forces around them to attempt to both make as much money and to spend as much money as they can at any given point. As such everyone plays the part of a puppet on a string but when they give in to become these money driven robots they take not only full responsibility for their actions but pride in maximizing their own ‘hustle’. As if it was a fully original idea. Oftentimes this leads to people taking on various side jobs and roles where they are wholly unaccustomed to the nature of the craft which takes years to even begin to get good at. Doing taxes or filing official government forms or beginning to drive an Uber or getting into real estate or… you get the idea. This is on top of the fact that their main career role may change dramatically as industry needs change causing someone who’s skilled in Adobe Illustrator and worked in advertising to move into react.js to become a Front end developer, oftentimes shifting roles overnight. Add to this the emergence of off brands that are ‘disrupting’ blankets or wardrobes or biking or couches or energy bars. And the extension of existing brands into spaces they don’t understand such as Amazon’s attempt to become a behemoth in the gaming world while also making microwaves that catch fire. The sum result is a society in which mediocrity grows like a tumor gradually consuming whatever value the capitalist model in its early days may have provided and creating a society overflowing with incapable arrogant jackasses without skills who want to waste your time on some bullshit and if ever you actually need a product or service and you need it to actually work you’re guaranteed to be left out in the cold because the only thing that gets made anymore is a sales pitch.




Hey if you know who I am then cool, if you don't then I'm literally the second character from Mario Bros. franchise and I'm into creative writing now.